I agree John!
Re: They haven't all gone -- JHB Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

02/18/2024, 00:04:12
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Social media is the platform the cult, like many others, is using at least to make them appear legitimate. I wonder how many places they have infiltrated that they have not created slick videos celebrating themselves about. 


But yes, I got so frustrated trying to keep track of those comments. You have to open the comments over and over to follow who is saying what to who. I do prefer this ancient software too. Especially for a discussion with such nuance. But it's as confusing as a rotary phone to the young I guess. And maybe not the place to have the most impact?

I didn't know Don as a premie but he does seem to get outsized premie attention when he posts.  While I despise the things they say, they illustrate that its a cult so well. I sent a link to TPRF YouTube to someone unfamiliar with Prem Rawat to say, look at what he is doing now. And I got back- the comments! the comments are so cultlike! 

I don't miss the days of Bjorns and Catweasels and Richard2's. But, that mentality was alive and well in the discussion. Very reminiscent of what it was like on the Forum in the old days. 

There have been some nasty comments to Wasapremie but not really tons. The more annoying thing for me is that the Indian premies start sharing the old photos as worship photos posting praying hands and hearts and "I love Master Prem Ji". Sometimes I post text over it especially when it's the kids. They especially go gaga over the kids and they are sure to get a lot of attention by the Indians. 

Which leads to something - this started with the "Boy" guru.  Prem himself seems to love to talk about how he was "four years old" in many recent speeches, when he began "speaking about peace". 

I am seeing that there was this almost a fetish about childhood in the cult. The mahatmas used to fixate on being like a child, guileless heart. The residence staff apparently at least as of 5 years ago or so were still referring to them as "mom" and "dad" . When they are not referring to Prem Rawat as "the Boss" or even, as was noted "Captain" 

Cult experts say this focus on the purity and images of children is quite common in most cults.

The Rawat children when they were born were a big deal. Marolyn called them our brothers and sisters. They were in all the Divine Times, And it is Divine, Elan Vital. All the videos in those days had video of the kids. Anyone remember the time they were just on the stage, Wadi and Hansi, playing with the mic, babbling to a large crowd of adoring premies in Miami? One of the nannies (one I had met in my toothbrush cleaning of a Miami residence bathroom days before the family arrived) and Marolyn sitting with them with a look of bliss and adoration. And Wadi saying another nanny's name over and over along with Mama and Hansi. The happiest I ever saw Hans look on stage, just playing with his sister, and he blew the crowd a kiss. Probably was two or three. 


Anyway, the kids were definitely used a lot, and they still, to this day, get outsized attention from the Indian premies if an old photo is posted. 

In the past 5 years I have seen videos and photos of Prem with kids in Africa, Malaysia, Japan, India. We saw video of teens talking about "Prem" after watching the Peace Education program in United States public schools. Do we really think premies would keep their children, or their, grandchildren, away from him? I don't. I think it would be an honor, just like it was when Jagdeo paid attention to a child. The parents though it meant their child was special. I find this urgent. 

When I first started looking again, it was hard to find a Timeless Today or YouTube video or cult promo that didn't feature Prem's face. I think someone is figuring out that is just not helping their it's not a cult image. Lately, especially the Denmark videos, are sort of like motivational stock photos, but even so, much of the time, it's imagery of chidren. The implication I see, is practice knowledge and you will return to a childlike state of wonder at the world.

It wasn't such a world of wonder for a lot of kids in this cult. Not just the sexually assaulted children. So many posts over the years of kids being dragged to kiss his feet, left in a premie house with some creep, or kids that lived in poverty but somehow their parents found the funds to travel internationally to festivals. Also a lot of stories, no offense to the people who remember nice childcare set ups, but that's not the stories I hear, I hear about chaos and sunburns and bullies and bugs and missing their parents. They may be remembering Kissimmee. The other thing I hear is kid that knew in their guts that their parents loved Guru Maharaj Ji more than them, because in those days, that was exactly what was expected and demanded by Prem Rawat himself. 

Modified by Susan at Sun, Feb 18, 2024, 00:24:49

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