Re: This is the same bullshit that happened in San Francisco
Re: This is the same bullshit that happened in San Francisco -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
T ®

11/08/2005, 14:18:21
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I wonder if the rank and file premies actually see this transparent shit for what it is?  Sheesh, I mean it is so transparantly a ploy of gaining unwarranted legitimacy that any person with any vague critical thinking ability must see through this utter tripe.

And assuming that premies see through this ploy, why are they not speaking out?  Call me naive but surely not all premies are dumbed into silence?  Maybe it is a case of them not wanting to upset the supreme manifest power even if they know in their hearts that Prem Rawat is really just an amateur. A case of the premies being gentle on god or something?  Very very weird.


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