Most premies don't realise it's bullshit
Re: Re: This is the same bullshit that happened in San Francisco -- T Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Anna ®

11/08/2005, 17:01:17
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They actually believe this stuff. They don't do the research like we do, (or you guys do, as I don't do much myself!) And they don't read this forum. Therefore when they read or hear that M has spoken at the 'UN', they really believe it's true, and they believe the blurb in the press release. And they are really impressed.

A premie recently said to me how amazing it was that M was doing all these programmes at the 'UN' speaking to such eminent audiences. My friend wasn't in any kind of denial, he just believed what he'd heard. Like you do when you read a newspaper.

I agree with Joe's post about this, but I also think it's a slightly different kind of con, or mind control technique. EV are being intentionally deceitful. Rather than asking premies to 'leave no room for doubt', in this case, EV is more or less lying in it's deception.

One thing that does come across though, is how false it all is. Who cares about "eminent" audiences. They have no more, or less, value than any other audience. The way EV tries to associate itself with 'important' people, as if that would give more credibility to M and his 'words of peace'. That's the sort of attitude that alerts people and makes them question M's credibility. Because it's so false and pretentious, and utterly condescending to the-man-in-the-street. And M is meant to be an expert on peace!

But, if the EV plan is to impress premies, it seems to be working. BTW, I put my friend straight about this. But it's not easy talking to your premie friends who still believe that M is the lotu.

By the way T, it was good to meet you a while back.


Modified by Anna at Tue, Nov 08, 2005, 17:03:06

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