This is the same bullshit that happened in San Francisco
Re: Well somebody had to be a premie -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

11/08/2005, 12:50:31
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The cult set up a "UN Event" with a couple of unknown organizations, but Nik found out that TPRF had actually rented the hall.  But the event was not advertised before it happened, was not open to the public, you could not buy tickets to attend even if you knew about it, and the Linda Pascotto press release is so vague, that it isn't even clear that Rawat even was at the event, and may have, in fact, phoned it in, if he did anything.

It was clearly set up as a PR event so they could do a press release.  It clearly had zero to do with any kind of support of the United Nations, since it wasn't even announced until after it happened.

This sounds like more of the same.

Modified by Joe at Tue, Nov 08, 2005, 14:47:42

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