Re: The Cult of Trump
Re: The Cult of Trump -- Gregg Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Jim ®

04/22/2024, 12:12:54
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Hi Gregg, 

Thanks for your reply and also for watching the two videos. What did you think of Hassan's and mine? He was still arguing Russian collusion although we since learned that not only was that fake but was in fact nothing but a concoction of the Clinton campaign paid for and orchestrated through her lobbyist lawyers, in cahoots with the FBI and signed off by Obama. Hassan gullibly accepted everything the MSM told him. Big mistake. He also either lied or got terribly confused at one point, claiming that Mueller had indeed found that Trump had colluded with Russia but simply didn't have the legal grounds to prosecute when in his book he admits otherwise. 

Anyway, that was that. I've challenged him to do a second one four years later but he hasn't gotten back to me. Too bad. 

I don't think the Charismatic Leader box ticks at all for Trump. Not when you really think of it. After all, every successful political leader in very high offices have some level of charisma, even if it's that of the "regular guy" was Jimmy Carter or even now, "lunch-bucket Joe". John Kennedy's White House was Camelot, Reagan was supposedly a preternaturally gifted communicator and Obama, who promised to bring the world's water level down, enjoyed little kids singing Maoist-style reverant paeans to him.

I don't think Trump's anything but a business guy who threw his hat in the ring because he loved America, not surprisingly considering how much it had done for him, and thought he could do a better job than the alternatives. He had all sorts of personal backage, as does everyone really (except Carter, I guess, who only had adultery in his mind) but has been galvanized and risen to what I think is some kind of heroism by just staying in the fight and weathering the endless, totally unscrupulous attack from the left. Sure, lots of people really like him now more than before for that kind of reason but that's just politics. We see what's happening, how the Dems most certainly did indeed steal the last election and how they, through, Biden are destroying America and we fully appreciate how Trump's the answer. No one I know thinks he's right about everything or enjoys some kind of special knowledge or skill set other than just having the balls to do all this. Maybe you dismiss all that as mere vain glory but I don't see it that way at all. He could have ridden off into a very, very comfortable post-presidency but it wasn't just pride that made him stay in the fight. He sees who they are and what they've done and he knows that he has the faith and hope of tens of millions to repel the left and try to save America. Like an admired, charismatic general. Charisma, yes, but not at all on the weird cult-leader level. 

As for language, well, you know, to be clear, it's not Trump who's talking about cultural Marxism and woke ideology and all that stuff. He's aware of it, I'm sure, and is seriously opposed but I don't know what he's read or studied about it. However, there are a whole lot of people, writers, leaders in certain fields, interested regular guys like me, some more interested than others, who have and are learning about this stuff. I'd bet that De Santis would probably be able to sustain a more informed conversation on the subject than Trump, given his close association with Chris Rufo trying to stem the tide in the Florida school system and then fighting Disney. Ted Cruz just wrote a book on the subject. I haven't read it but might. There are a number of great thinkers in the field, brave -- they're often brave, it comes with the territory -- rogue academics, scientists, doctors, politicians or writers who have been smart enough to see through the revolution, understand its genesis and ideological underpinnings, and then offer insights and advice on where it's going, the threat entailed and how we can resist. 

With all due respect, Gregg, I doubt you know much about this at all. How would you? What have you read or studied on the subject? Obviously, if as I allege, the cult has absorbed the mainstream engines of society so much, you're not going to get that education from them, right?

So here's where it gets interesting. Because I'm me, partly the nice guy that I am and also just a bit of a weird person that likes to persuade people about stuff from time to time, if I think it's stuff that matters at least, I'm happy to show you things, discuss them with you, turn you onto myriad sources and explain what I think I know and why I think I'm right. 

The thing is, Gregg. I am. Sorry but I am. It's a nightmare for sure but it's real alright. 

So let's talk about your own area of expertise, teaching. Are you still at it or are you retired and, if so, when? Things are changing rapidly. What school district were you in? Can you share that with me? I'm sorry but I think I could show you some things under the lid of your own car, as it were, that would surprise you. Yes, sure, all the teachers are just kind of regular folk, of course left-leaning, that almost goes without saying, but so many are kind of oblivious to the full navigation plans of the ship they're employed upon. Perhaps, with all due respect, even you. 

Thanks so much for your final comment though. 

DLM and MAGA have nothing in common. GMJ is not DJT. I'll give you that. But I do wish that people who take sides in the culture war would put down their flamethrowers and have a conversation. I gather that's what you had in mind for this thread. Good!

It's what I had in mind exactly.

I was going to sign off, but I'll first leave you with just a new example of what I say is this woke ideology that's captured academia amongst other parts of our world. 

Anti-western, particularly here anti-colonial hysteria, is one of the fingers in the glove. Here you can see how even STEM isn't safe from its tightening stranglehold:

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