Re: The Cult of Trump
Re: Re: The Cult of Trump -- Gregg Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Jim ®

04/25/2024, 17:48:24
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Gregg, my debate with Hassan is just plain fine at 1.5 speed. Anything slower is excruciating. He lied though, I have to say. In his book on page 146 he admitted:

"Though Mueller could not find conclusive evidence of "criminal conspiracy" between Trump's campaign and Russia, he found "numerous links" between Trump campaign officials and the Russians" 

Links means absolutely nothing and I have a million criticisms of everything Mueller but that's not the point. In our debate, Hassan pretended that the only reason they didn't indict Trump was because of an assumption of presidential immunity. 

More generally, though, where is Hassan years later, or the media he relied upon so trustingly, admitting what we now know which is that Hillary Clinton paid for the Steele Dossier and the entire kabuki theatre cock-up was a desperate attempt to frame Trump? It isn't said so it must not be true. Res Ipse Loquitor

Which brings me to another tactic I see "both sides" doing: cherry-picking quotes from experts to inflame their base. For example, something I'm guessing your child-queering book does: quoting queer theorists. It's pretty easy to find deranged material from theorists of all kinds in academia. Theory Wars! Jeez. But here's the thing: nobody in real life is much influenced by this kind of bloviating. I'm talking about educators, especially. We don't read queer theory!

Of course they don't read queer theory anymore than they read critical race theory. I mean some do, some don't but that's not the point. Those who do read it and have fallen under its ideological juggernaut set the programs and policies. 

So I take a look and, unsurprisingly, it seems like many people in real life are indeed much influenced by this kind of bloviating:

And that's just the gender stuff. The anti-racism finger is sticking in your other eye just as much:

Is the school system really racist, Gregg? Are you? Is that what you get for all your years of service? 

Here's something on which we may possible agree: both the anti-Biden and the anti-Trump camps have really gone overboard with their hate campaigns. One can hardly avoid being reminded of the famous two minutes of hate Orwell introduced us to in 1984. I mean...really? We have been gifted with this fabulous human life and we're going to fritter it away hating some public figure?

I'm sorry, I can't agree. I think that all of my criticism of Biden, whom I certainly hate, is justified and, while in the abstract I get the idea of who's he to me? Either one of them really? And why even bother when it's kind of nice out, I like to play music, have fun, that kind of thing, the reality is that Biden's destroying the world I'm fond of. Crime, the economy, international stability and, yeah, Israel's security, not to mention the horrible weaponizing of the justice system, have heavy reverberations throughout the world, within and without the states. 

Again, I would like to know how an entire society can be called a cult. Given our personal histories, we know what a cult is, but maybe you've grown into a different understanding of what the word means. When I read your response, I'm afraid I'm going to be tempted to label you a conspiracy theorist, but I know that never turns out to be a particularly useful move.

That's a damn good question but, to me, the measure of a cult is only the extent to which it controls information and thinking, has processes to keep its members from learning, thinking and speaking for themselves. Thus everyone in the broader society in 1984 was in a cult. Everyone in Mao's China was too. 

It's a matter of degree, I know. But then not so much for all the many people wrongly rotting away in DC jails on the most trumped-up charges imaginable on the fake insurrection myth. 

Modified by Jim at Thu, Apr 25, 2024, 18:32:56

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