Re: First, thank you for responding sincerely this time -- still ....
Re: Re: First, thank you for responding sincerely this time -- still .... -- Rod Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

04/23/2024, 15:58:50
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I don't feel hysterical, nor do I sense hysteria in my community over this. it's none of my business
what someone wants to identify with.

If it's not a hysteria, why do you think the number of self-described trans or queers has skyrocketed in the past few years, particularly now in adolescent girls? Of course you don't feel hysterical about it because you're ensconced in a society where the media, academia, government and entertainment world are all telling you there's nothing to be alarmed about. Never mind that they're forced to promote that narrative by SEG and DEI protocols which every day becomes closer to the repressive dictates of the Chinese social credit system. Do you know anything about these things? Maybe yes, maybe no? From where? What have you read and where about it? 

Gender identity isn't as simple as 100% binary either way.

Really? And you get that from where? May I ask, do you know anything at all about this concept of gender, where it started, by who and why? And how does it relate to sex? Do you know? Is a trans woman a woman? 

Do you happen to know any trans people personally?  

I've met one or two although I'm not sure I'd even call them "trans people" - more like people describing themselves thusly. 

As far as rights being at risk I'm more concerned that a parent at my kids school can dictate what he or she can read, by way of book bans. Monitor your child and I shall monitor

But that's exactly the problem, isn't it? The schools want to strip parents of the right to do just that. Why? Do you know who Paolo Freire was? Something happened to education since we were kids. It didn't happen by accident, a lot of thought, strategizing and effort went into the change. This is a big deal, Rod. There's a giant iceberg of a cultural Marxist agenda beneath the surface. Why do you think schools have suddenly become so fixated on kids' sexuality? The answer is all there for those who want to look. 

And what can or can't be taught... half our problems today are the result of ignorant people
who have no concept of history, civics, and critical thinking.  

And you do? What history are you talking about? What impact did Marcuse have on our world today? How about this Freire character? Besides, where have you been? Critical thinking is no longer hot on the list of personal qualities being taught or encouraged in school anymore. 

I don't want DeSantis driving this.

Did you see that Bill Maher, a liberal if there ever was one and not someone I'd normally endorse, now admits that De Santis was right?

I see greater dangers ahead than a young person who chooses to have a neutral pronoun this year.

In different ways, yes, in other ways, no. 

Things change and evolve.. it is what it is. I'm not really pro or con. Live and let live.

It's not what it is at all. It's not some organic, natural development. It's all part of a very large complex plot. Laugh all you want but it's true. Endless and I mean endless evidence supports that for anyone interested. 

Perhaps title 9 is not perfect... not all laws or legislation is ever accepted by all.  Laws protecting people from discrimination are generally good.  As I said, I don't know enough about it all... It's not a big worry to me.

It's easy to be blase about this. Do you think I actually give a fuck about womens' sports? Of course not. Not really. Anymore than I care about some poor male student getting railroaded on trumped up sexual harrassment charges and ruined by the new Kangaroo courts under the act. But I do care, care about them both when I think about the broader social implications. Actually, yeah, I do care. It's all terrible. Certainly as bad as any of Rawat's exploitation of people.

Jim, BTW - I'm an American, are you? just wondering.  cheers.

I'm a concerned Canadian. It's just as bad here, in fact worse. 

Modified by Jim at Tue, Apr 23, 2024, 16:44:53

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