Re: Reaction to recent disclosures: Part 3.
Re: Re: Reaction to recent disclosures: Part 3. -- Nik Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Susan ®

04/01/2024, 06:09:17
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Nik, thank you for posting again and sharing all of this. I love your part 1, 2 and 3. I can't help but think (as someone who loves to watch trials on tv; no special expertise) that it's like parts of a trial, in how you presented it. 

1- is the problem. The moral or legal transgressions. Perhaps not just by the leader, but the followers and those who respond to an allegation of abuse. Did they respond as family? Did they respond as officers in an organization are supposed to when faced with an allegation that could endanger children by the person at the top ( never mind that the person at the top used to give Agya, and that people in past have found the idea that he could make a mistake, never mind do something morally or criminally wrong, as impossible, and a test of faith, lila, maya) . But pointing out that something like that should not be evaluated from within, in any organization, never mind one often called a cult, is so valid. I have the impressions on how the cult is messaging on it, and it's disgusting in how similar it is to how the Jagdeo issue was handled, and that is also relevant, because when something like this becomes a pattern of behavior, it's just a lot more serious. How it's not similar as this can be framed, and seems to be framed as, a family matter, and Maria77 as you cited, explained exactly why that is a dangerous way to think that may put the most vulnerable in danger. Of note too, if a group of people organize to protect an individual and organization around an issue of safeguarding children, that is problematic in itself.  

2- you set up, a what are the "rules of the road" or at least, that is a charity in many countries, all of them, having their own standards and laws they are ethically and sometimes legally bound to abide by.

3- at what point, in a legal case, does someone consider mitigating factors?  Many if not most criminals come from backgrounds that should lead, at least in part, in some level of mercy for their behavior. It rarely absolves them entirely. And maybe that's why they kick people off juries who know the witnesses, the lawyers, the judges and the accused. We wouldn't be chosen, but more importantly to your writing, neither would any of Prem Rawat's followers, and most importantly, none of the people in TPRF, Timeless Today, Priyan or whatever else, nor would anyone in his family. 

But I have definitely heard rumors that premies and others are also focused on his bizarre upbringing and youth ( including the time where he was a young adult) as an excuse of some kind. 

I don't think that is what you are saying. I know it isn't how I feel. Plenty of people are victims of abuse, even systematic abuse, and don't abuse. 

I think it's so good to bring up the Colorado judge who made Prem an adult and the people around Prem Rawat as a teenager, who used him to their own ends, and that does include some PAMs, family members, and maybe his wife, as I see her as perfectly capable of realizing she had incredible power over the teenage perfect master, and exploiting that, and the reports of her being "gopi" like and him berating her bringing her to tears when angry being true too. Just a toxic mess. 

I guess I would say, is juveniles are sometimes held responsible for their behavior. Adults, usually what is first considered is simply are they guilty or not. Then, once that is decided, comes the phase where people can discuss the life circumstances of the criminal. What is also considered then too is the victim impact too.

Two relevant links

Thank you for your amazing post. I volunteer you to write his biography.

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