Re: Reaction to recent disclosures: Part 3.
Re: Re: Reaction to recent disclosures: Part 3. -- Nik Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lakeshore ®

03/31/2024, 07:48:43
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Hi Nik,

I searched for California statutes governing board members/charitable organizations' Duty of Care and Safeguarding, but I was unable to find any. I did, however, discover that TPRF earned a four-star 100% rating from Charity Navigator and other rating services and it appears to be doing relatively well financially. In 2022, the most recent year available, TPRF took in $2,761,064 and spent $2,449,107 for a net income of $311,957. Year-end assets amounted to a healthy $3,925,825 from which it derives interest and investment income.

Relative to its small size, TPRF is a thriving, highly rated, reputable charitable organization, which, having a sense of the cultish impeccable standards set for its operations and employees, doesn't surprise me. I wouldn't expect anything less. Among all the organizations, TPRF and Timeless Today stand out beause Prem Rawat's two daughters, respectively, serve as presidents.

I mention all of this for two reasons: 1) to demonstrate for all to see how rediculously flimsy my efforts are and have been to imitate your well-researched fact-based statistical and legal analysis of such matters; and 2) to say that it's the gap between the public facing glossy images of those organizations and (versus) what transpired/transpires behind them that frustrates me.

Ever since these family disclosures surfaced, I've posted about my disgust with people who know the truth and continue to promote Prem Rawat anyway, especially when it comes to soliciting tax-deductible donations - from the public - in his name. How can people of integrity do that? And it's not just their awareness of these recent family disclosures, it's also their awareness of all the other hidden circumstances that are severely inconsistent with their public image, objectives and Prem Rawat's message of peace. It was the callousness and disregard with which followers of Prem Rawat decieved the public that in part caused me to leave the cult.

Far beyond how I feel about it all, which doesn't translate into anything, your insightful posts elevate it to the appropriate practical and real-world level. That's why I've continued to quote you occasionally during your long absence.

Thank you for your keenly insightful posts and it's great to hear from you again!


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