Re: I'll answer..... -- Danny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Karen K ®

10/15/2005, 11:10:54
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Hi, Danny,

What a revealing post!. I think every premie needs to read this. This is such a mirror! I am sorry that you had to go through this. What an awful thing to have been beaten for telling  the truth.

This reminds me of when I was a child. We were living in a mostly Catholic neighborhood in the late "50's. Our family was Unitarian. My older sisters were repeatedly harassed at school over religion. One day my sister had stones thrown at her. Another time, her neighbor "friend" went after her with a hammer to try to "save" her and convert her.

How far is that from the Crusades and the Inquisition? It is the same mindset. Anyone that claims to have an "exclusive" on the path to God or enlightenment or whatever,  is guilty of the same mindset that brought "good Christians" to burn 1 million women for being witches in the middle ages. Total barbarism. Make no mistake that there are premies that would kill for their GOD.


I am totally disgustipated!



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