Re: It's all about "me," eh?
Re: It's all about "me," eh? -- NAR Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
jonx ®

03/29/2005, 15:58:32
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So how many times did you say, "I," "me" or "my" in that sentence?  Shall we count the number of times, Jonx?  Why, without much trouble I count six (6) times in ONE SENTENCE!  Impressive!  And you think you are so spiritually advanced...... what arrogance!

I make a point of describing my own experience, which necessitates using these pronouns. What would you have me do, describe your experience?

I'd recommend a spouse.  Actually, real friends would do.  You do remember what those are, right?

Actually I'm doing quite well in that department mate.

So is that what you distract yourself with? Spouse and friends? Kinda takes the edge off of facing yourself doesn't it. Or are you such a civic-minded example of humanity that you never think of yourself. What bullocks!

Earn the degree(s) that Mike has and then talk to him about the subjects to which you referred and whether said knowledge can bring some happiness or satisfaction into your life.  Until you have done that, you have no business proclaiming anything about how satisfying they are or are not. 

I can tell you with 100% confidence that a degree has nothing whatsoever to do with happiness. You are easily impressed mate.

As for diatribes, mine is nothing compared to your little rant.

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