100 percent confidence? Really?
Re: Re: It's all about "me," eh? -- jonx Top of thread Forum
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03/29/2005, 16:14:12
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I, like Mike, have a degree.  Mine is in astrophysics and, quite frankly, I am quite "satisfied" with it and what I do with it.  

Impressed?  Why, yes I am!  I'm impressed by a universe that I understand more and more each and every single day!  I'm not talking a Rawat-style, nebulous-type "understanding," but a real, factual understanding of how it all works.  Yeah, that's pretty satisfying and pretty impressive, too.  Even more satisfying and uplifting is that I am an active part of that knowledge-gain and that it benefits anyone that cares to know it.  Yup, that's pretty satisfying.  What's more...... I don't have to embellish what I learn and/or know with fantasy and la-la land beliefs.  The universe, as it is, is pretty darned great, all by itself. 

A degree in astrophysics had and has everything to do with my happiness and that of my colleagues.  So your 100 percent "certainty" is pretty meaningless.  Maybe you do have a degree..... was it the wrong one for you?  Too bad.

My "self" is doing just fine, thanks.  I just don't spend as much time as you worrying about "myself."  I'd rather spend my time learning, doing and teaching it to others.  I'd rather spend my time dealing with and interacting with others.  I'd rather spend my time sharing whatever I can with others.  "I" am just fine without all the worry about "me."  "I" am not all that interesting to myself.  I know myself pretty well.  I guess you can't say that, can you?




Modified by NAR at Tue, Mar 29, 2005, 16:15:13

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