Jonx, at least you give a good laugh!
Re: It's all about "me," eh? -- NAR Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/29/2005, 15:49:50
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I'll bet you would appear so funny on a video clip interview with your adament self statements about your wisdom and everyone else's ignorance who doesn't see Rawat as their God. I know you probably don't see your self as a comic jester but that is how it comes across. I must admit, I tried coming up with some jokes about Rawat, but you did a better job !!! The comments in follow up posts really got me laughing because it is true, the comments about the creationists arguing against science, logic and fact, and you, arguing in the same way about Rawat, or maybe people who are a member of the Committee To Believe in a Flat Earth, Martians from outer space believers, and other similar mind-sets of individuals.
I'll bet you never thought your would be such a joke but I must give you credit for this one point. What you say is, to be honest, all -------- B S

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