Who's going to be driving the prem-bus?
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1972 ®

01/09/2024, 07:45:41
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With his declining health, this is going to be a big question that has always been in the back of premie's minds....when prem either retires, gets too sick or irrational to continue, or dies, who will take over the family business? what happens if he soldiers on because he has nothing else to do, and starts saying really stupid things when he's on stage? Or can't do the touring thing? If he does broadcasts from the residence it's going to be pretty sorry looking...he needs the crowd energy to shine...without it, he looks pretty depressing...
I have put this question to various premies over the years and find that it's makes them very defensive...if prem really is the one and only unique "perfect master", then he "passes the torch" to the next one at some point....I think the odds on favorite would be to pass it to one of his daughters....that makes sense, until you then ask the premie if they're then prepared to worship that daughter....will she wear the crown? will you kiss their feet in a darshan line? ...Charan Amrit anyone?will you regard them as the modern day Jesus or Krishna? will you fly around the world to get a "tune up every few months? ...hang on their every word for a morsel of truth? ...think of the daughter when they die?
When you put it that way, it get's a little silly, and most premies don't want to think about it.
If I were a betting man, I would put my money on prem giving it to 3 of the kids, with one of them taking the lead....they'll promote the teachings of prem and some minor philanthropy and lead a privileged life in Malibu...it will fade away rather quickly...
I think some premie's wills have included a hefty donation to prem when they pass, but I think they're going to re-think that one, in favor of more immediate loved ones, as prem declines further...it's kind of hard to imagine even a die hard premie giving money to these spoiled malibu kids to continue the family business...

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