Re: Who's going to be driving the prem-bus?
Re: Re: Who's going to be driving the prem-bus? -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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lakeshore ®

01/10/2024, 08:43:22
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Yes, interesting, thought provoking and I would add darkly entertaining when it happens.

Two thoughts come to mind: 1) it will likely be as dysfunctional as that family has been all along; and 2) the focus of all the secret meetings will likely be on how to preserve the family business.

I'm reasonably confident that Marolyn and the children would scoff at the notion of a successor perfect master. They never fell for such nonsense and they know full well that unless it's controlled and staged, their future livelihoods would likely go down the drain. There's much more money to be made donated by others in the name of a hyper-inflated and glorified Prem Rawat than in the name of any fledgling upstart, and it's inconceivable to me how that would ever come about much less gain any traction.

What's in his will? What happens to his assets? Typically, most of it would go to his wife and lesser amounts to his children and foundation. What about the mistress? Would they be comfortable retreating and living comfortably off that, or would they feel enough financial insecurity (or boredom or need to maintain their social status) to carry on with the foundation? Perhaps ongoing charitable giving* (of other peoples' money) might be just enough to appease any suppressed guilt they may have over drinking excessively and doing drugs while being supported essentially by premies' donations, be it to their father or his organizations from which they draw their salaries. (I have no idea how much of their income is derived from non-cult related earned income.)

If they go the TPRF route, if anyone thinks Prem Rawat is all that now, wait 'till they see how wonderful, philanthropic and glorious (really no words to describe how big) he is in perpetuity. That's what many successful foundations do: milk the good name of the founder and exploit it for all it's worth (which is not to disparage genuinely good and beneficial foundations).

A successor perfect master would be nothing but a threat to all that unless they have someone lined-up in the back room learning how to parrot the "peace bomb," much like the coup-plotting mahatmase who plunked young Prem on the throne apparently did. And how cruel and heartless that would be! It reminds me of human sacrifices... volcanoes and that sort of thing.

Actually, I really have no idea, but it will surely be darkly entertaining.

* Regarding charitable giving, I firmly believe it's only for the promotion of Prem Rawat for the purpose of sustaining the family promotion/donation/promotion business cycle. 

Modified by lakeshore at Wed, Jan 10, 2024, 08:53:10

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