Re: yes a nice big powder keg
Re: Re: yes a nice big powder keg -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

03/16/2023, 18:19:20
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the sunshine continues.  The Dr Bronners did a good job in the flat but omg, it needed more.  So this morning I took the advice of a friend to use a sage brush.  Well I haven't got one of those but sage does have a smell on the side of the angels so I picked a bunch and put it in a pan on the stove on a gentle heat and before too long it was smoking away and I have to say it's worked.  The smell in flat is clean and airy now.

It was notably creepy when the young Daya started singing love songs to her father on stage wasn't it.  Added a whole new dimension of confusion to the question is he a human like you or I, a pilot of airplanes, a guest speaker, a Gandhi-like ambassador of peace or is he the Living Messiah, the Greatest King on the Planet, the Generator, Operator and Destroyer of the entire Universe.

Reminds me of the cane toad I saw behind the kiln.  I had heard on the news there were giant cane toads advancing down the coast scaring the people of Sydney that finally they are going to be taken over too.  And I am sitting here thinking I was wondering where the cane toads have gone, and a friend from Mullum comes over and he says no cane toads in their garden either, we are both pretty pleased thinking maybe it is part of all the topsy turvy stuff happening with plants and insects atm and it's not just the green tree frogs which have disappeared, the cane toads have gone too and then I have to tell him about the giant cane toad I saw behind my kiln a few days ago, it was the size of a small rabbit.  Afterwards I am thinking why didn't I kill it or at least try to but at the time I am too busy getting away from it and forgetting I ever saw it.  It was blacker in colour too.  omg.  Is there a giant variety of cane toad coming down from Queensland and eating the smaller ones and am I now about to be invaded by them.  not a question I can contemplate for more than a few minutes. 

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