Re: How do they deal with the hypocrisy? moved to top Gregg's question
Re: How do they deal with the hypocrisy? moved to top Gregg's question -- Susan Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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Susan ®

01/08/2023, 22:19:05
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Lakeshore's answer was so good but I will try too.

"How do these people sell him as a simple man spreading Words of Peace and then journey to the distant Antipodes to kiss their master's feet in secret? Isn't devotion still at the heart of their journey?"

Obviously, they remember the past. And obviously, they know that devotion is still at the heart of their journey. Even the most watered down PR by PR emphasizes his photos, his talks, his image in a way that only can be explained by "personality cult"

But how do they deal with the worst things? How does the inner circle deal with revelations about his worst behavior.  Defector after defector from his inner circle has described a lifestyle of debauchery and depravity.  He still has an inner circle, and those folks true to inner circles with rare exception circle the wagons. Why? What brings a person to a place that they are defending the indefensible?

I think it starts how it started for all of us. We were sold this "experience" that supposedly proved God within us. This "experience" - the WPC guy in Lord of the Universe said so well "I have Guru Maharaj Ji's knowledge; I don't have to think I know"

I think Rawatism leads, purposefully, for premies to believe that their conscience is their mind. (at least when it comes to cult hypocrisy)  If they learn something awful about Prem Rawat it's a sort of a test. To they trust their experience of knowledge? or their lying eyes?

Rawatism is a very self centered philosophy. My own father used to speak of solipsistic nihilism. It's the perfect philosophy for the narcissist.

  1. 1.
    the quality of being very self-centered or selfish.
    "she herself elicits scant sympathy, such is her solipsism and lack of self-awareness"
  2. 2.
    the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
    "solipsism is an idealist thesis because ‘Only my mind exists’ entails ‘Only minds exist’"

  1. the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.
    "they condemned the show for its cynicism and nihilism"
    lack of conviction
    absence of moral values
      extreme skepticism maintaining that nothing in the world has a real existence.

  2. So when the going gets tough, when they are presented with evidence of Prem Rawat's abuses and lies, and there are worse than have ever been posted on these sites.  And his inner circle knows this.  I think they are complicit. But I think when confronted the "I have proof knowledge is real" and "he is my master" create a state of mind of solipsism. Their belief in Knowledge should be stronger than any contradiction. In fact, we never leave room for doubt in our minds. Mind is bad. Doubting Prem Rawat is almost like being possessed by an evil spirit... your "mind". Your doubts prove, in fact, he was right, that you would doubt, and that you don't trust your experience enough. And you are not a good enough premie. 

The nihilism comes in, Lila and Maya, it's all his play, and all is illusion but your experience of knowledge and your master. There are no ethics or principles that can prove your master is corrupt. Because you have "that experience" and he gave you that experience.  So the premie, when contronted, it's not real... because it that's true, I am the biggest fool. 

The whole philosophy by definition means in a contest between Rawat's debauchery and depravity knowledge wins, as nothing is real, but the premie's "experience".

And it's not about him? This beautiful guru has come to suffer in a human body, and it's all for them. That's surely what they tell themselves. He is here for me, so it can't be all about him.

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