Thank you for previous messages - sharing Thoughts about “loving “ the master and premie children
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Posted by:
Maria77 ®

10/25/2022, 04:35:32
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Dear ex-premie friends

I wrote about a month ago at the forum in a effort to try to meet with ex premies in Los Angeles related to a project on the subject.

I wasn’t able to find anyone but I completed the project and now I am in a process of discussing with lawyers to find out what I can publicly talk about related to my involvement with the cult on a pay role.

I am also worried still about my premie family and friends, who I wish to see exiting the cult and I want to help into deprogramming them without going through the pain and shock as I did because I am concerned that they won’t endure the truth, some of them from very young age believing that mr Rawat is God on earth.

I know that this is a hard balance and your responses to my past posts have helped me a lot to avoid a Stockholm-syndrome type psychological trap of letting off mr Rawat and his minions in any way.

I strongly believe that mr Rawat would not have followers if his followers knew he has no peace in himself and that his life is that of a super rich VIP sociopath who can’t get satisfied with all the riches in the world and wants more and more for absolutely no reason at all but to fulfill his insatiable greed and spends the budget of a whole continent like Africa in a year of aimless super expensive touring of the world and all the material assets he is so attached to.

However, the problem is also in the ideology of the religious belief system of the Rawat cult deriving from Hinduism where a Master is not what in Christian’s worldview is a saint so there is no contradiction between a master’s sociopathic opulent lifestyle and his spiritual teachings.

Prem Rawat does not hide he is rich but does hide he is playing the role of a Master in order to be rich.

If that role was not attached to material power Mr Rawat wouldn’t do it for a day.

But Rawat claims that he is the Master and also that whatever the Master does is fine because the inner world and attaining inner peace has nothing to do with material possessions, one can be filthy rich and be in peace.

So there is nothing wrong into delving into earthly delights as long as you are not attached to it.

Fro the Master spending huge amounts of money for his personal luxurious lifestyle and gathering of wealth is fine since he is not attached to it. 

So mr Rawat can claim he is the Master and be a rich greedy money spending machine without contradicting the religious believe system of Hinduism he belongs in : it’s all Maya (illusion) anyways , the Master can do lots of sociopathic stuff to brake our concepts and show us how detached he is and how detached we have to be from material world.

Maybe spending so much money without caring about it, is a good lesson for us as well not to think twice before giving our money to the Guru because it’s an illusion anyways .

But Who is the judge of a Master ?

“The Heart of His students” the “master“ says . 

As crazy as it sounds, this is the answer the Master and his students give.

The answer of the guru to why these people who believe he is the master cannot be mistaken is :

“No they can’t be mistaken ! Because the heart is never mistaken, the heart knows.”

This argument can be acceptable only by someone who has totally abandoned his critical thinking and embraced an ideology indicating that the “heart” is more trustworthy than the mind and indicating the mind as Evil.

But what is the heart ?

What is this construct of the brain called the heart ?

Maybe what the premies call the heart at the end of the day is the serotonin levels attainted in order to blindly believe that mr Rawat is the true Master (ie the path to God and IMMORTALITY). 

That process of getting to feel the Heart is then to allow the cult to brainwash you into linking mr Rawat to any serotonin gets produced in your body and believe you actually love him and that this love brings you immense happiness.

This self induced devotional type of happiness is then linked to what is called bliss which is considered an experience of the divine.

The Experience is called God.

But who said God is an experience ? 

And why other types of serotonin high are not divine experiences and the ones induced by the belief that mr Rawat is the master are considered divine ?

And Can feelings mislead a person to believe someone is good when they are not ?

Of course.

Specially if they haven’t linked serotonin high to goodness and true human love but to cruelty or/and power.

So yes you might think the person you love (your Master) is good if you have experienced Love as Cruelty : or if you get a codependent personality type of serotonin high when worshiping someone with Power.

Metaphysical power of course but material as well: a God who is also a King, Spiritually powerful plus rich plus famous ?

In that case something is really wrong with this heart business .

Premies should be careful when they realize they feel Love and Devotion to this unknown to them media persona saying he is their personal beloved Master,  it might have been caused by something wrong even at an earlier age than when they met the “master” and that could be the reason why they felt attracted to him so naturally and felt at easy kissing the feet of a spoilt billionaire (they all know he is).

When I got deprogrammed I realized that my parents became premies because they had psychological issues on that department.

The Love department .

They did put an unknown media persona they didn’t even know personally for a day as the most Loved person in the family and claimed many times we all should love him more than one another.

Parents who love an unknown to them person more than their children because he has Power is seriously problematic and of course has damaged my psychology as a child and left me no other option than to submissively love mr Rawat as well and attach all serotonin high I ever had in my life to him and considering this as the higher experience of love , divine love .

If I was to give advise to premies it would be:

Check out your family backgrounds.

You might have a narcissist mother or father. 

You might have been abused and made a wrong neurosynapses in your brain and now think that a one-way relationship, sociopathy and abuse are signs of unconditional love.

You might be attracted to give everything to people who give you nothing in return, to “surrender your mind body and soul” to a “master” and consider that behavior true love.

You might have been weirdly attracted by the bad guys or girls your whole life - check out what was going on in your life whilst you have been so In Love with the Master, the biggest narcissist and sociopath of all.

You mentioned I should be worried about minors if they are in danger in this cult.

Well Yes I am.

Many premi children to start with.

One of them was me.

Why was I kissing that criminals feet when I was 12? 

Social security will never come to my family to assess.

Of course they won’t and will never do as far as I know.

That means children can be brought to Rawat and become his slaves by their parents and no one can do anything about it.

I don’t want to say my name and role in the organization here because things are not clear yet with what happens with when we go public.


But yes, I know premie children, many, and they are in danger, including mr Rawat s children in the past  and now that they grew up the next victim is the poor grand child. 

Social security should definitely check on him.

And I should not forget all the children who didn’t have the chance to be born in premie families but get the great chance to be brainwashed by the rawat food feeding programs where whilst giving nutrition to poor children in Africa India etc feeds them (against all rules for charity) the “innocent” message of him being their life-long all mighty master…

As long as this sociopathic conman pretending to be God is out of prison where he belongs then many children are in danger and me speaking about them one by one it won’t make any difference.

What will make the difference is that society wakes up and creates a legal system that will acknowledge the dangers involved with children being brainwashed into belonging into a religious cult led by a malignant narcissist sociopath draining them for money and work-force and using them to lie and cover up for him all his past and present “sins” to help him continue his fraudulent business to whatever cost.

Thank you again for allowing me to express my thoughts and feelings in this forum and I hope you will find my posts useful,


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