Rawat Tourist Season 2006 begins
Posted by:
Nik ®

02/16/2006, 04:52:35
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Exclusive Agent - well known in the travel  business - UK Charity (some mistake surely) Elan Vital offers camping in Delhi for £560.




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Rawat Tourism in decline
Re: Rawat Tourist Season 2006 begins -- Nik Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
13 ®

02/16/2006, 05:30:27
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Always too busy doing 'service', I never had any money, and usually hitched to programs - sometimes 1000's of miles. Entrance fees were optional. Accommodation varied between being a guest at some premies house, camping, or often sleeping somewhere on site out of the way of security guards. (Once three of us slept in some drawers in huge desks at an event in Essen. We managed to get ourselves into the drawers, and shut them from the inside by lifting ourselves up to the inside of the desk top, and swinging against the drawer. Guards roamed the foyer all night with their Alsations, but they never found the giggling fools inside the desks.)

Now, you have to pay for sure, and have to pay by credit card too, and you need a smart card too. Phew. I'd never have imagined it would turn out that way.

In a way I am glad I got sucked into the cult in those early days rather than now. Looking back, I am sure I learned more from the great variety of people who gave me lifts than I ever did at the programs. Planes, hotels, and credit cards - what a dull prospect! And then all those videos when you get there... yuk!

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