Sure, I'll have some Buddha, easy on the renunciation please
Re: Buddha? -- toby Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/09/2004, 10:30:40
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This whole sematic thing is such a joke. Is he expecting to transmit with his eyes or his word subtlties(?) that he IS the Buddha? I think so...kinda like if I said "only the Poobah can walk backwards blindfolded on a balance beam and not fall off, and by the way, it just so happens that I can do that..." I think he is doing the same thing to newcomers now that he did to us, only the volume is way down low on the God identity thing, but it is there nonetheless.

Buddha goes into a pizza palace and says "Make me One with Everything"
So the guy makes him one with everything and Buddha gives him a $20 bill and the guy walks away and does not come back.
Buddha say to the guy: "Hey, where is my change?"
The guy says to Buddha: "Surely you know, Buddha, change comes from within."

nyuk nyuk

Modified by Sanford at Thu, Sep 09, 2004, 10:33:43

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