Re: Rawat on 'devotion' in a recent video -- Jean-Michel Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
toby ®

09/09/2004, 09:24:20
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rawat knows nothing about buddha. neither does he understand what christ is. the ability of devotion is a high skill, no doubt.

but it is only a part on the path. not the vehicle to make one guy fatter and fatter, that isn't even able to control himself.
with devotion alone you may become the slave of an immoral, deeply corrupted creature, named rawat.

this shows clearly that rawat sticks to the same old story, when he started to change the exterior outfit.

"without complete surrender it will never going to work, still"
his words.

so we start with some kind of a self-knowledge, and in the end somebody must tell the new people that they have to give up their lives, to have it work. so if you are sincere, give up your life for it. if you may find that this knowledge is not for you, you may have sacrificed all that is important to live. the ability to think properly for instance.


Modified by toby at Thu, Sep 09, 2004, 10:03:40

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