Re: Maharaji said you would go to hell...
Re: Re: Maharaji said you would go to hell... -- Steve Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

11/02/2005, 17:12:46
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What's amazing is that I was sitting in the room when he said this kind of stuff, including that particular satsang, and it just didn't seem unusal or strange.  The fact the Elan Vital would print that in it's official publication in 1980 just goes top show you that Elan Vital was promoting the same notion, and didn't see any need to tone it down at all.  Everyone knew that Rawat was preaching total devotion to him, and that is you didn't have it, you were in trouble.

So much for Elan Vital's current PR campaign that it's all about world peace.  It makes you want to laugh.

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