Linda Pascotto's embarrassing press releases
Re: Why was it important to say he sat in the audience while someone else spoke? -- Susan Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/26/2005, 13:53:09
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As if anyone reads them anyway, but they are truly laughable.  Linda Pascotto seems to have no shame, even quoting herself in the her own press releases.  Rawat never does anything that isn't prestigous, even if it is just that he has he has something (unexplained) to do with some (obscure) UN promotional organization that did something once and somebody important said something good about it.

Such a cipher is Mr. Rawat that he is reduced to getting "prestige" that way.  That, and renting buildings from important organizations -- the UN seemingly the one of choice.

The idea that Rawat is some kind of expert on "peace" is beyond ludicrous.

How peaceful are premies?  How peaceful is Mr. One Reality and Mr Catweasel, not to mention the premies who did the CAC website, or perhaps those who drove John McGregor to the verge of a nervous breakdown?  By his fruits, as you know.

Modified by Joe at Wed, Oct 26, 2005, 13:56:34

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