Right on, Jim! I remember ALL of those, too!
Re: How about a sub-category for jettisoned beliefs? -- Jim Top of thread Forum
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04/01/2005, 10:41:55
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I was thinking about this and it just came to me.  No, nothing all that earth-shattering, but still........ All premies justifiy the changes in M's message to "concept breaking."  Ok, that sounds almost logical, in a perverted way.

If "I" were trying to break concepts, I would just refuse to fuel ANY of them.  I wouldn't say anything about what K is or is not.  I certainly wouldn't require any preloading.  In fact, I would specifically contraindicate any preloading of concepts.  I mean, if I am trying to put out the "fire of concept," the best way to do that is to refuse to add fuel to it.

Instead, M has fed us concept after concept, only to alter them at some random whim at a later date.  The reason for the alteration?  Concept breaking!  What a pant-load! 

When we, in the scientific community, observe some unusual data that doesn't fall into anything we've seen before, what do we do?  We continue observing...... that's all, just observe and collect more data.  It's after significant data has been collected that we put forth a hypothesis as to the origin or meaning of that data.  No concepts allowed until a decent hypothesis can be produced by the copious (hopefully) data present.  I mean, that is just common sense. Sheesh!

As an illustration, I ask a simple question: Did Darwin even consider the "concept" of "evolution" prior to observing the data that led his mind in that direction?  The answer should be obvious...... duhhhhhhh!

Hey M....... that was a clue!  Twisting people's minds into something akin to a pretzel DOES NOT break concepts.  Of course, you would know that if you had an education........ which we all know you do not!   Give the "techniques" to the world, freely and openly...... ask them to discover for themselves what "K" is...... and tell them to "expect" nothing (null hypothesis).  That should be all that you do........ period!  But, of course, that would likely mean that you would have to get a real job or, as an alternative, keep your promise to spread "this knowledge" even if you have to "walk the world" and "eat salt!"  Do I hear a resounding chorus of "Bullsh_t" coming from the peanut gallery?  I think I do! (More data needs to be collected, though)

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