Maharaji always vague about other gurus
Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/29/2005, 14:47:35
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I noticed that whenever Rawat is asked about other meditation practices, and gurus, (in his easy, self-picked question cards, as we said in earlier posts, Rawat never allows for an open forum of questions and answers on the spot)he is always so vague. He must know that other gurus who make the same, or similar claims, are teaching the same techniques with some variations. I guess the only thing unique about Rawat, besides his being a cultist and fake, is that he does not cover very many techniques, and also he avoids mantras. He is also the only one I know of who detaches his self completely from his Hindu background (TM tries to detach themselves but still openly uses Hindu terms in their teachings) while in the USA and Europe but then goes back while in India. I guess Louis Farrakhan, though in his case Muslim, does a similar strategy by saying one thing as a Nation of Islam spokesman in the USA, and then acts as a Sunni Muslim when visiting Islamic countries.

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