Amazing breakdown of the epic drama
Re: Deceived -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
aunt bea ®

03/14/2024, 13:02:28
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And great the way you structured the telling of it. Deceived sounds like the title of your upcoming bestseller. I absolutely agree that these are the inflection points of what happened. 

Though I also think that Susan touched on something that remains unanswered. What was the reason for the sudden shift and that all devotional materials should be destroyed? Or maybe it was answered somewhere?

I got hung on your reminder of the 1970s ever-present phrase, "Give me your love and I will give you peace." Has anyone ever deconstructed that? It really is a weird one that was never questioned. If someone has the magical key to grant every human peace, why do they demand love in exchange for that? Why do they demand anything at all if you already have everything?

(I know there is a Hindu concept of bhakti or devotion as a path to enlightenment or moksha. But didn't Guru Maharaji tell us that what he offered was special because it was religion-free and we shouldn't have concepts? And what  deadly consequences that concept has!)

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