maybe the best forum post ever
Re: Deceived -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

03/12/2024, 02:15:14
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Thank you so much for writing this so clearly.

I have long felt those two events you describe would be the focus of any true analysis of Prem Rawat's lack of character. 

Firstly, what Bob Mishler and John Hand described,  especially, the conscious choice Prem Rawat made that appeared to be motivated primarily by his insatiable greed to ramp up the demand for total surrender and devotion from the end of 1976 to whatever occured that made him give Agya to destroy the evidence. 

Then, the San Ysidro conference. In case anyone doubts the truth of this, I learned that story from someone else well before Dettmers told it. Dettmers filled in the details, but the place and essentials were the same. That story is so critical I have wished for a film to be made of it. I think it's so important because it shows he made the choice-again, further in to real adulthood. 

I do not believe any woman no matter how enthusiastic her belief she was a "Gopi" could consent. There is no way to consent with He who gives Agya. I believe many heterosexual male premies would have also "consented" and that would not have been consent either. Frankly, I doubt Prem Rawat has any boundaries whatsoever anyway.  

Whatever transpired at the beginning of Prem Rawat and Marolyn what was her maiden name, Johnson? Neither one seemed capable of consent, the probably 15 year old boy or the devotee of the Perfect Master.  The double abuse doesn't create a zero.

"Breach of trust and failure to protect" There were so many souls on board  Satguru's ship, or as he might prefer, Captain Rawat's jet, and as you said, he exploited them, for his amusement and gratification. Reckless blowing by every safety check and standard there is.

I think every voice affected by this, as you said, deliberate, cynical deception matters. 

We live in a world full of horrors. But this one is personal and it matters to all affected.  Every time I see one of their slick videos of his programs in prisons, schools, and even that Summit County Domestic Violence court I feel such a sense of dismay. Dismay that these places don't look hard enough. Dismay that the long time attention to Wikipedia apparently aided it. Dismay that some of these are child serving organizations. Dismay that Chelo Alvarez Stehle who made Sands of Silence about sexual abuse and features Prem Rawat prominently in the credits has been silent. Dismay that Sally and Sara Sidner have been silent. Dismay that someone who appears to still be an inner circle premie, is teaching a course on "Generational Healing- Tools for Breaking Dysfunctional Patterns". 

I also would like to start something to demand that every NDA or settlement agreement that any part about sexual abuse or anything to do with his personal life be null and void. If you have nothing to hide Prem Rawat why don't you give every person you purchased silence from  their voices back? That's how you make someone whole.  

Where did you get the money to pay those people you silenced? Lakeshore said it all. 

Modified by Susan at Tue, Mar 12, 2024, 02:24:19

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