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Re: Re: Thank you... this Janice woman... -- Kelly Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Susan ®

02/23/2024, 21:46:04
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Pete -FB status-“ is celebrating life”.   “Long time ago now there was a discussion here on Facebook about good manners. Now in reality there isn't any law that says you have to go around saying to people good morning,and some take great exception to you oh how rude it is that person is not a very nice person and on it I understand some from the past around prem off the camera and taking great exception because they wasn't acknowledged.and from that today they are having nothing to do with prem he is this bad rude in reality.he isn't.”

Janice W……. “the exes are desperate for attention, and i recently discovered very manipulative, unkind.”
Pete —-“Janice w., yes very manipulative.the mind as you know is dangerous.were lucky we live where we live and they can't touch us.”

Jerry    “Janice  …. l block them “

J.k..  “Janice w…….  Your remark about someone who has suffered something terrible having mental illness because you didn't like what they said wasn't very kind either was it Janice.” 

J.O.—“Janice that's not true Janice. I'm an ex premie. I raise a son, live with a wonderful kind partner. We both work in education and devote our lives to being kind and caring people. To suggest that a group of people all act the 'same' is xenophobic, so respectfully please check your bias. I suspect that you too, are a kind and caring person and that cognitive dissonance might be at play here. Staying silent is staying complicit, which is why I have added to this thread. I wish all the best.”

J… K….”.  It's not about him being rude is it ? You've seen Don Johnsons page and seen what was said but are choosing to ignore it because you can’t handle it.”

Janice W…….  “Pete, sadly the exes are ruining Hans life, encouraging him in his lies, I feel bad for Hans.”

Same as it ever was ... a message to a Jagdeo survivor 4/29/2001

This is a post that appeared on Lifes (sick) Great this morning. I think the exes need to see it to understand what kind of deluded cult thinking is taking place there. Here is the post:

Please send this to_____

 Dear ______

If what you say is true about Jagdeo (and I could believe you) It must be pretty awful and I sincerely understand your feelings.

But you see: People go through many awful things in life... and somehow through their strenghts as human beings they overcome these bad things and have a joyful life. People have been raped, tortured, put on the most awful situations for long periods of their lives and they somehow overcome.

Problem here ___ is that you are 'used' by the active ex-premies to promote their hatred and confusion. Are they helping you? I doubt it. They are just perpetuating your bad experience. Who suffers: you. They don't.

I am moving away from the discussion of who is responsible for what happened to you, and who should be held accountable. As a person you have the power to overcome whatever happened and move away from being the victim. The ex-premies want you and need you to STAY AS A VICTIM. You do not have to oblige. You have a life to live. You are a beautiful human being and you have the power, the right and the strength in you to be and enjoy your life. Do not accept any longer to be their pet victim.



This is Susan adding a comment here. ---Every person who knows about the Jagdeo "investigation" and what was truly found needs to get that information public or make an  af·fi·da·vit
  1. a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.
     and get to to law enforcement.

I don't want the weight of your secrets.

I have had enough

It still matters because they are using the same playbook 2024.  

It's never been about living in the light of the truth has it? 

It's always protect the Master.

Modified by Susan at Sat, Feb 24, 2024, 00:36:41

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