I Never Thought I Would Hear Rawat Confess
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Posted by:
prembio ®

02/14/2024, 17:02:36
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25 years ago, I began collecting data about Prem Rawat’s career
because I saw that his followers, fine and decent people though they
might have been, had begun to lie about the criticism of Prem Rawat
instead of just pretending the 1970s hadn’t happened. It was
obvious Rawat was determined to have a deceitful biography of himself
become the one that would be available to any investigations
especially as the google algorithms did not take truth of the data
into consideration. I wanted information to be available for anyone
who cared enough to find out the truth about Prem Rawat. I didn’t
expect that this would destroy Rawat’s career or prevent many new
people from believing the things he said or make him infamous.

I’m a semi-invalid at the moment so I recently watched Leah
Remini’s Scientology documentaries. Please don’t be angry if I
repeat that all the bad stuff from Divine Light Mission and all the
rest of Rawat’s bullshit was nothing compared to Scientology’s
evil and power. That’s true but there are so many parallels. I think it
was Tolstoy who said all good cults are good in their own way but all
evil cults are evil in the same way.

New information sent to me about Rawat has dried up over the years
because it's all much the same but I did receive an anonymous message
from an incomprehensible internet address recently containing a
recorded phone conference held by members of the Prem Rawat family in
2019. Himself, his daughters and eldest son. At the beginning of the
recording the women spoke an English dialect I had difficulty
understanding, full of ideas strange to my down-to-earth
Australian-ness so I sent it to some students of popular culture.
I’ll reveal all the details once it has been translated into
standard English but I recognised and could understand Prem Rawat
very well as I must be the only non-premie in the world to have
listened to and transcribed so many of his speeches, actually
listened to them and converted them into nearly comprehensible
English text at https://prem-rawat-bio.org/.
He didn’t say much, he sounded like a broken man, whether from fear
or shame I cannot say.

Rawat had been informed a few days earlier by Premlata that Hans Pal
was accusing him of early childhood sexual abuse and they wanted to
begin a dialogue with him. The children believed this phone call was
the first of many in which they would hold Prem Rawat accountable for
their childhoods and a healing process could begin. Both Premlata and
Dayalata accepted the truth of Hans Pal’s accusations and Premlata,
especially, seemed to have many future axes to grind. She was the
dominant person in the conversation and she began to speak clearly
and directly during the later part of the call. I haven't cleaned up the text.

Premlata: Daddy the four of us kids have been connecting and talking
regularly and um it's been a really even though it's been really
difficult its been really wonderful to connect and sort of begin the
healing process, we want to bring you into this healing process as
well um because really you know at the heart at the heart of it it's
time to we get to do that. You know opening old wounds takes a great
deal of courage but it's necessary sometimes to clean out the wound
properly so it can heal well you know without infection or anything
weird still in there.

Premlata: Yeah you know this is (indistinct) really it's like the
hardest thing I I don't I can only speak for myself but it's the
hardest thing I've ever done or been through um and (sighs) you know
and yet you know yet I really do have a deep sense of trust that what
needs to be healed will be healed and that these really long painful
wounds that have been there for for so long can be addressed and
looked at and healed that you know our family can can be together in
reality, in truth to really you know be able to love each other in a
very clean way without painful or shameful secrets um and I and I I
have no illusions about this will be you know a challenging process

Hans Pal: Did you know that Mum also abused me but refuses to admit
it. When we lived in Miami in the early 80s she directly sexually
abused me in an incestual manner.

Premlata: I’m very, very concerned about Amar um I I feel like um I
really don't feel like the the Residence ironically is a safe place
for him um I I do want to bring up just one point actually and I know
it's a lot on top of everything that's already been brought up but um
Daddy I feel I feel it's important that you know that the way that I'm
not going to speak for Amar but at least for myself (indistinct) the
way that I feel about Mum is that she's not a safe person um I don't
trust her and that you know I know one time you told me not to judge
her and I I really took that to heart and I appreciate it and I've
been making a very sincere effort to see her without my judgement,
baggage, resentment and anything like that but I see that um you know
she's a scorpion and is it good or bad that a scorpion stings? Its
not good or bad, its just its itself and my feeling is that um you
know that to sit there and let the scorpion sting you again and again
and say "I'm not judging, I'm not judging," that doesn't
make sense to me you know cause the logical thing to do in that
situation is to put some distance between yourself and that scorpion.
So that's what I have to say about that

Prem Rawat was pretty depressed, whether this was from shame or fear
I cannot tell. I mean he must have known for a long time that Amar
was a self-destructive drunk and Hans Pal was not a chip off the old
block but now it seemed that his sins and crimes might be coming out
into the light in public by those closest to him.

What shocked me the most about hearing this was their casual acceptance of the disparity between their lives, their mother's, their father's and the facade that Rawat presents in public. I don't recall a single mention of the fact that their father is a despicable fraudulent charlatan and they're ashamed of it. Maybe they were starting at what they considered the worst of his crimes but the daughters sounded as if there was no thought of making these crimes public, but "healing" and going on as before but "loving each other in a clean way without shameful secrets."

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