Re: Inescapable implications
Re: Inescapable implications -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
13 ®

02/01/2024, 01:55:36
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I'm a Dad. I know that's not unusual, and not a huge achievement in itself, but I look back on the time when the kids were young as the very best time in my life. Maybe rose-tinted rear view glasses. But my wife and I agree that this was the case - there was never a single instance of whining, tantrums or screaming. So I guess we had it easy.

We had a lot of fun. We spent months on a round the world trip, much of it crossing America slowly in a motor-home. We spent months in Mexico, snorkelling the cenotes or looking for spider monkeys in the forests. We did all kinds of trips.  But some of my fondest memories were the winter days, wrestling and fighting to throw each other off the sofa (they always won somehow, eventually!) or marathon sessions building Lego cities and machines on the floor in front of the fire.

There was so much joy to be had, just playing with them, surprising them, showing them stuff, seeing them learn things and master new skills, see them grow in confidence and their understanding, see them work things out.

Those kids were precious to me. They trusted me. It was great. Now they're all grown up and mostly gone, but we're still close.

But if I'd stepped over a line, that trust would have been broken, the easy joy in each other's company lost. Instead of me watching them grow up, they'd have had to watch me, in case I was going to cross that line again. Their childhood would have been so different, for them and for me. I'd have missed out on the real intimacy, and I'd be looking back with shame and sorrow. I'd hate to think what it would have done to them.

So it's really tragic, a parent molesting a child. So much is broken and lost. By the parent and the child. Such a precious time squandered, innocence abused, trust lost, beauty unappreciated and tarnished.

So it's amazing and appalling to me, that someone who has crossed that line, who hasn't appreciated and respected the innocence and preciousness of childhood can get up on a stage and claim to know something we don't. Claim to have a better way of being. Someone walking across the flower bed to give us a lecture on gardening. It's grotesque.

These revelations of child molestation really do put the whole cult thing in a new light for me. I'm really sorry for Hans, who I've never met and don't know at all. Others too. Sorry.

But Prem Rawat - not only is there no 'Knowledge', and he has no wisdom greater than ours, but he doesn't even know how to be a decent and reasonable human being, respecting and appreciating others. Such a fraud and hypocrite.

Maybe we ought to go to his next event, just to boo him off the stage. That would be a start.

Sad, sorry and angry to hear this stuff. Still bloody naive, after all.

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