Thank you! (Well OT)
Re: Re: Now that's funny! -- lakeshore Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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13 ®

01/02/2024, 12:54:22
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That was a very kind thought. 

I've had some good fortune today, and it made me reflect on previous bits of good fortune, and I had thought of this today, before I read your post.

I was in Hong Kong, with a plane ticket to the UK in a week's time, and only enough money to eat frugally, nothing for accommodation. And no shoes. So I figured I might as well spend my time walking round the coast of Hong Kong island, and sleep on the beaches. That would give me something to do for the week. But late in the afternoon of my first day of walking, I suddenly became quite feverish. I was worried it might be malaria or something like that - I'd recently been in remote bits of jungle in the Philippines. So right away, my walking plan wasn't looking so clever.

I walked past a building site surrounded by hoardings, past a wheelbarrow half full of rubble, and, I fancied, a bundle of money. I decided the fever was making me delirious already and walked on. Then stopped, and thought I'd better take a second look. At that point, work at the building site stopped, and all the workers streamed out. A hundred people must have walked out of that gate, past the wheelbarrow, and past me. No-one stopped. When the coast was clear, I walked back.

Yep! A big wad of notes all rolled up and kept together with an elastic band. Enough for a hotel for a week, decent food and a visit to the doctor (it was flu).

And then to the airport. Where the security guy at the boarding gate refused to let me pass, on account of my bare feet. No bare feet on a plane! Well, that was a fix, the prospect of missing my flight, and being stuck in Hong Kong again with no shoes and again with no money! The last person to board the plane was the captain, who checked to see what the fuss was about. When he heard the story, he told the security guard that everyone on the flight would be handed socks anyway, so I wouldn't have bare feet, and so he had to let me board.

Long time ago. 

This morning, I was told a diagnosis I'd had 18 years ago which limited my diet was incorrect. I've had no bread, pastries, fish and chips or beer - no gluten - for 18 years because of that diagnosis. 

On reflection, I could be annoyed at the limitations I'd put on my life (and everyone who ever cooked for me in that time). But instead, I feel very fortunate to be going out tonight for my first beer in 18 years. Wearing a pretty decent pair of shoes.

2024 is looking good already.

Modified by 13 at Tue, Jan 02, 2024, 12:55:30

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