Re: Why not communicate directly?
Re: Why not communicate directly? -- Jim Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

05/03/2024, 18:49:33
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Look Jim, I didn't know about the charges against Trump in the first place.  If I was familiar with the ins and outs of American politics it would give me a bit of background to evaluate the article.  As it is it doesn't persuade me either way.  I am inclined to believe you seeing as you do read a lot of this stuff but then again your rampant support of Trump means you aren't so impartial.

Yes you are right I am not interested in reading up on the topic, I simply don't know enough to make that a viable option even if I wanted to.

Do I care much about an article written by someone I've never heard of talking about a withholding documentation charge against Trump that I'd not heard about but that, according to the article was trumped up with the Justice system being used by people within it in collusion with the Democrats - no, tbh not really.

So yes, in answer to your question, as I know you and you are better read on the subject I tend to believe you that an injustice has occurred but for me to get more interested in it you would have to assert that Donald Trump is a good man who has been blindsided rather than it being part of politics as usual which has often been described as a dirty business. 

What I am interested in, rather than following the blow by blow action, is what you and Moley make of Donald Trump on a personal level.  Do you really believe he's a good man who has the interest of his fellow Americans at heart?  Could you talk sensibly to me about this rather than flying into a brochure for the holiday.

Again using a descriptive phrase there Jim.

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