Re: Upside down
Re: Upside down -- Thinking Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
tommo ®

04/28/2024, 07:15:09
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"innocent until proven guilty".   

From the perspective of someone who does not personally know any of the actors involved that is a fair comment.  

Certainly many claims have been made about PR's behaviour in secret that if more widely known would completely undermine his  business model based upon his claim to teach a path to an inner experience of peace via his unique insights and his techniques of self-knowledge.  

So any judgement -if indeed you wish to make any judgement -  can only be based upon  what seems most probable as opposed to what is certain.  On EPO and this forum at least a dozen different people with access to PR  (notably Mishler, Finch, Dettmers, Donner)  - as well as many others with more passing involvements - paint an entirely self consistent picture of a sometime bullying, likely alcoholic, troubled and sexually unfaithful man with poor self control and a dysfunctional family life.  Again though - innocent until proved guilty?  -  perhaps they all had a personal grudge?  So let's say a 50:50 chance for each of them -  0.5^12  ?   Pretty long odds then that PR is a truthful  person with nothing to hide and a peaceful examplar of his own teaching  - far less than 0.1% .

So the point is that Hans's accusation --certainly the most egregious claim to be made against PR -- does not exist entirely in a vacuum.  Personally I withhold judgement but based on form - and against the background of everything else -  think that unfortunately it is more likely to be true than not.  

I think that that is a more reasonable position to take than just taking a 'nothing to see here' attitude.  If PR wants to maintain any credibility as someone with something to teach that is of genuine value then he really needs to be open and honest - as things stand he is a public figure and must fairly expect scrutiny of his character.  If he had listened to Mishler then maybe things would have turned out better.


Modified by tommo at Sun, Apr 28, 2024, 07:33:24

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