In Defense of Rennie Davis
Posted by:
Ocker ®

02/18/2006, 18:35:22
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Alert Forum Admin

In Australia we have a saying known as Ocker's Razor which says: If you can satisfactorily explain a person's actions by stupidity and greed then don't bother to look any further cause you've already hit the jackpot.

I was quite outraged by Davis' apology as posted on this Forum but I went home and had another look at what Davis had said in the past. Now he may not be stupid but he sure as hell is as gullible as a person could be and as happy to spout nonsense in public as anyone you could imagine and after all he's been consistent, very consistent. He's still repeating the same stock bullsh_t, only the characters have changed while his role has become more and more important.

The following quotes are drawn from the Lord of the Universe Video, the aliens from Spaceship Earth video and Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Mysterious Miracles, Vol. 2 - Aliens
From Spaceship Earth


Washington DC

We say that unless
Nixon commits himself between now and May 1st to total
US withdrawal of all forces then we say that if
the government of the
United States does not stop the war we intend to stop the
government of the
United States.


Lord of the Universe Video

It is not possible to
understand the
, or Watergate,
or UFOs or the super comet in the sky unless you understand the central event
on this planet around which all other events now spin. Guru Maharaj Ji says
“Life is like a chess game and very soon now the whole world will be
checkmated” and if
America wants to know what is happening, it must first
understand the main thing that is happening. The Lord is on the planet. He’s in
a human body and he’s about to usher in the greatest change in the history of
human civilization.


Mysterious Miracles, Vol. 2 - Aliens
From Spaceship Earth

I suppose really
though that the lives of our whole generation has just been a series of
incredible surprises and certainly when I was in Chicago with Judge Hoffman in
the trial of the Chicago Seven you know I just I just had no idea that you know
you know just a few years later I would be involved in you know in a very deep
meditation and really believing that a breakthrough in human consciousness was
going to be the solution to he problems of the world.


You know to me the
search of the whole sixties, the activity of the whole generation of the 60 ‘s
was really was really just a search for peace to really just to try to find
what are the root causes of war, of racism, of human suffering and I think you
know I think that whole period was really a search outside ourselves you know a
search in the external world and I think we came to see that that actually our
own human mind is what is creating war is what is creating separation is what
is creating our difficulties and many, many people in this country are now
sensing that you know without inner peace we can’t have peace outside, if there
can’t be peace of mind we can’t have peace on earth.


I suppose the real question is whether
there is something that at least in history we’ve we’ve identified as the guru
or the teacher, the perfect one we we seem to sense from religion especially
but there was a Christ, there was a Buddha, there was a Krishna, there was a
Moses, there was from time to time a human being who came, who seemed so fully
aware of life and themselves who they were that they were actually able to
impart an experience to another human being and to transform that human being’s
life you know bring about a complete breakthrough in their own consciousness
and understanding. There are many theories in the world but  it’s not whether you believe or whether you
have any faith of if you get high by his his words but whether or not he can
actually show you that light inside yourself that is keeping you alive. To me
that’s really the test of the guru and we’re more and more believing that an
actual physical or biological change takes place while experiencing this pure
energy inside our self. That there is actually a gland on the top of the brain
called the pineal gland and this gland is a light receptor and when we turn to
the energy inside our self which is light it activates a gland that right now
in the human body is not active and this gland in turn secretes chemicals which
leads to a whole harmonization of the physical body so the glands that
ordinarily secrete chemicals that lead to fear and outrage and anger are
actually brought under control.  If we
could establish that a biological change in the human race was taking place I
mean what what a joyous thing that that would be for humanity here if there was
a way to come out of our egos and actually experience our unity and I think
maybe it maybe science that will actually help America open itself up to this


Thousands of people are convinced from
actual experiences that they have found the answer, that they have experienced
a breakthrough in consciousness that is perhaps one of the most dramatic and
exciting changes in the history of civilization and we begin to ask ourselves
whether or not the whole 60’s wasn’t just a preparation for a breakthrough in
human consciousness to make possible a world where we could live together using
the technology, using the vast resources that humanity has put at it’s
fingertips. We get very excited as we being to see that this is what is
happening as all this stuff is coming down as the economy is falling apart we
begin to ask ourselves whether it is possible that the global crisis is
actually contributing to the breakthrough of human consciousness that the
global crisis actually plays a role in helping the whole human race come to one
of the most exciting and beautiful and magnificent changes in all of


Introduction to Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Across this sprawling
city from the seventh floor of a modern office building, I can see a full
yellow moon. I almost expect it to explode into a million rainbow comets to
announce what is happening tonight. It's strange that the sky would be still on
such an occasion. Guru Maharaj Ji has just arrived in
Los Angeles. For the third time, the master
soul has walked in
America, virtually unknown to the public.

He is the greatest event
in history and we sleep through it. Every part of me wants to shake this
country awake. I feel like shouting in the streets. If we knew who he was, we
would crawl across
America on our hands and knees to rest
our head at his feet.

This book, Who Is Guru
Maharaj Ji, carries my deepest hope that in these pages some words will trigger
the heart and mind of every reader to appreciate that this may be the most
important question in the land - who is Guru Maharaj Ji? And there should be no
rest until each and everyone of you knows.

Most of my life has been
spent with young people trying to dig
America out of the threat of nuclear
annihilation, urban war and an all-consuming corruption of human values. I
always thought that if enough of us could pick up the shovels we could dig
ourselves out of this mess. I know that's still the right idea, but the
question is how to get everyone digging together and in the right direction? We
never had leadership that could really unite
America. And now with the very
foundations of the established order sinking in scandal, with people really
crying out for new direction, there is no alternative leadership anywhere, not
in the women's movement or peace movement or black movement, not in the
Democratic Party or trade unions or reform organizations or churches. Really,
who can save this sinking ship?

The timing of Guru
Maharaj Ji's arrival in this world is very far out. Even he admits that he came
at the last possible moment. When people finally discover who Guru Maharaj Ji
is, they'll feel a nice smile inside thinking about how he slipped in the back
door just in the nick of time.

But I want to talk to the
people who don't know who he is. Because the idea of a fifteen-year-old Indian
dressed in a business suit coming to
America as the savior of the world must
seem like a bad joke.

Some people really get
angry when you try to tell them who Guru Maharaj Ji is. I remember last spring
when I traveled around the country announcing to old friends the joyous news.
Many of them thought I bad lost my mind or was secretly working for the CIA. I
spoke in
Berkeley and New York and said "the Creator has
come to help us pull the world back together again," and tomatoes and
cherry pies were hurled at me. When you tell someone that Guru Maharaj Ji is
the power of creation, they may punch you in the face instead of shake your
hand. I go on the radio and say that Guru Maharaj Ji is revealing the same
Knowledge of life that Jesus taught and the most devoted Christians call the
station sounding like they'd rather crucify him instead of rejoice.

It's sad when people
won't even investigate a promise to bring peace to the world. Perhaps it's
because there have been so many promises that no one wants to hear visions or
social plans or dreams anymore. The world is littered with smashed hopes and
dreams. It seems easier to end our troubles in a bottle of Quaaludes or
Seconal, than evaluate the proclamation of a fifteen-year-old boy to end
poverty, war and human misery on a global basis when no one before him could do
it. All I can say to the skeptic is that I was a skeptic, too. I was never a
believer in any religion. 'When I went to Guru Maharaj Ji, it was not to
embrace God, but to see what he could show me. And all I can do now is be
honest about what happened. Guru Maharaj Ji showed me God. And it's really okay
if you have a good laugh at such a statement, but it doesn't change the truth.
And I know that if you go to this Perfect Master, he'll clear away life's
mystery and show you the light that is keeping you alive as well. There are no
words to tell anyone what this experience is. But I can promise you that once a
human being has received this Knowledge, he can understand there is a practical
way to save the planet.

Guru Maharaj Ji says,
"If everyone really knew that God is omnipresent, God is omniscient and
God is omnipotent, there would be no need of sheriffs; no need of policemen.
Everyone would mind everyone. But a man believes and never knows. And that is
why there is this crazy, crazy feeling around the world."

People who wonder what
has happened to me since meeting Guru Maharaj Ji should know that I spend every
joyous, waking moment trying to create the conditions that will help
America get into an all-out investigation
of Guru Maharaj Ji. Because I know that if we even begin to wonder who this boy
is who says, "I have come so that you may know God," the answer will
come. When a devotee makes the outrageous statement that Guru Maharaj Ji is the
Lord of the Universe, it's cause enough for a chuckle. But it also happens to
be true. Guru Maharaj Ji is the Lord of the Universe and anyone can find out
who sincerely wants to know. Every fiber in me says that
America is going to find out. It's too
big a secret to keep quiet. And I'm starting to feel that
America is going to be the most fantastic
p lace on the planet because
America is going to be the first country
to realize Guru Maharaj Ji is here. America will teach the whole world the
Perfect One has come, and that now there is a way to end the craziness of this
century and wipe away the tears of its victims and teach us all how to be human
beings again.

Rennie Davis

Houston, Texas

June, 1973

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Eureka! Rennie is really Indian...that's it!
Re: In Defense of Rennie Davis -- Ocker Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

02/18/2006, 19:40:02
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And see/hear " the faithful that surrounded him in India" AKA Rennie Davis
Re: In Defense of Rennie Davis -- Ocker Top of thread Archive
Posted by:
Dermot ®

02/18/2006, 22:35:57
Author Profile

Alert Forum Admin

courtesy of Drek ( and his various incarnations)

and have a laugh at Bholie Ji letting it rip at the same time.

Modified by Dermot at Sat, Feb 18, 2006, 22:37:56

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