Re: Devo-lution
Re: Devo-lution -- Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

09/10/2004, 22:13:04
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These holy roller type hindus have been around for quite some time, but not since forever, only from about 1850, & I reckon Shri Hans was at the lower end of the food chain before he slipped on the bar of soap.

Kabir seems to be a big reference for them. It'd make for an interesting study in comparative religion, not to mention literature, if someone could make a correspondence between the troubador notions of courtly love, & those of  the Indian ecstatics. They were approximate  in real time.

I couldn't do it .

I think it's a project for Dr. Geaves. lol

Anyway, here's an extract from Kabir's Songs, in which to my mind he reveals himself.

I am neither pious nor ungodly

I live neither by law nor by sense

I am neither a speaker nor hearer

I am neither a servant nor master

I am neither bond nor free

I am neither detached nor attached

I am far from none: I am near to none

I shall go neither to hell nor to heaven

I do all works, yet I am apart from all works

Few comprehend my meaning: he who can comprehend it, he sits unmoved.

Kabir seeks neither to establish nor to destroy. 

Make of that what you will, but it seems to me Fatboy's Daddy was an unscrupulous cherrypicker who relied on the ignorance of his audience to make a living, & as you rightly father like son.

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