What Prem Rawat's Message Should be to the United Nations
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/24/2005, 18:36:50
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When Prem Rawat is being the statesman, doing things like trying to get prestige from a building, like when he rented  a hall from the United Nation and then advertised that he spoke at the UN, when he did that, I think this is what he probably said, like he had said before:

The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan, China, Russia, India or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle them down? The only one who can settle the governments down is the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save mankind.

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972 (And it is Divine, July 1973)

Rightooooo.  Prem Rawat is the "incarnation of God Himself" so, who the hell needs the United Nations?  The neocons hate the UN anyway, maybe Prem can get the Moonie Washington Times to use his declaration as a reason  why the UN should be abolished!  I mean, who needs a "coalition of the willing" if we have Malibu Prem to "settle them down?"

But why has the Perfect Master been such a miserable failure at stopping the fighting?  Yeah, I know, "the keys" will change everthing, by His grace.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Oct 24, 2005, 20:05:35

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