Re: Room for Doubt
Re: Room for Doubt -- shelagh Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
gregg ®

10/23/2005, 19:19:52
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From the last two lines, verbs rendered ambiguous by their inclusion in the genre of poetry:

wake  - to truly wake up! 

          - to wake up from the sorry commandments and unspoken repressive mindfuck elements of Rawat's Game

          - to attend a wake...perhaps one's own, hopefully in the liberatory spirit of a New Orleans funeral (mixing the hell out these metaphors, I know...)


walk    - to walk away from the Organized Religion Path of Commandments....Rawat's or the Taliban's or the Promise Keepers....

           - to move, to transport oneself, to realize our capacity for change

         -  to simply walk, in pleasure, on this beautiful planet!


dream      - (most literally, in this context, I think)   To imagine all the possible lives opened by liberating oneself from  a repressive religion (sadly morphed from a huge and very much tried and tested range of spiritual techniques designed to liberate oneself into AllSelf....AllSelf: just thought of the term, but for all I know it's a patented New Age path...meaning what it obviously means: that we are all not an Each but an All...sorry if this sound Dr. Seussian, but I could think of worse authors to be compared to!!)

             - just to dream......all those possibilities!


Good Night, and Good Luck,


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