My own private Germany
Re: why are these people so weird? -- dant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

10/23/2005, 12:54:54
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I'm thinking I can get in on this too. Just 500 bucks or so per press release:

Dant went to work on Monday with an overflowing crowd on the tube. Record numbers of passengers traveled with him in the elevator flight to the fourth floor. The elevator was only made to handle 6 people, so some had to take the stairs. One was the building maintenance officer, one of approximately 5 maintenance men in the building. Fellow elevator passenger said, "It's amazing that Dant has lived in Germany so long. From the simplicity of his German speaking ability, you would think he just got here last month".

Building Maintenance Officer said, "We are looking forward to installing a second elevator that can handle twice the capacity." Security watched from closed circuit TVs.

Modified by dant at Sun, Oct 23, 2005, 12:58:58

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