Re: And the vulgarity
Re: Yes, it's the stupidity that I notice -- Neville B Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

10/21/2005, 17:23:23
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I recall some poignant times of confusion back in 1975 or 1976 when the young Rawat came to Australia and premies were holed up in all weekend satsang waiting for the LOTU to deign to grace us with his presence and inspiration. After all why else would he travel to Australia but to spend the maximum time with his devotees?

But as pretty well always he didn't show. Later we saw a movie that had been taken of his trip and while we were meditating and "sharing satsang" about the bliss of practising Knowledge He had been going on a Sydney Harbour cruise dressed in a suit so ridiculous and vulgar as to be beyond belief. He showed great bliss while hooning around in a speedboat like the shallowest revhead that all of us had known at least one of in our lives.

Even then I was shocked by the paradox. The premies were "practising Knowledge" rather than indulging in the enjoyable ocean-based pastimes such as sailing and surfing and beach barbecues that Australians revel in (it's their true religion) while young Rawat was reveling in the loud petrol driven speedy lowest form of such fun. These days such pastimes are not allowed within hearing of more innocuous forms of outdoor pleasure.

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