Re: Much similarity
Re: Re: How many nice premies did you know? -- bear Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

10/17/2005, 17:21:45
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My wife is also still a premie though I've been an ex since before the term was invented. I was in a sort of limbo for a year or two until nightly satsang was ended in 1982ish and that finally cut my ties. I still have about 6 premie friends and a reasonably large group of old prmeie friends who I rarely see. I only know a few ex-premies but as one of them says the only thing we have in common doesn't mean that we will be friends though I am with most of them.

Though I am a very outgoing person who is friendly with many people, family has been the most important thing for me and my close relationships are with my family members.

I have always thought of myself as being very unstrange though I am hardly in a position to make an unbiased decision.

I believe it is important that we keep the understanding that most premies are nice people and on the whole live very normal lives, at least the ones I know. On the other hand I have been involved in a very unpleasant legal situation with evidence from premies who I still believe are decent people but who appear to be able to lie and cheat for their inspirational speaker and this has been very disturbing. While I know intellectually that people who have been listening to Rawat and accepting his propaganda for decades must have come to believe certain ideas about him very strongly I am disturbed by their apparent forgetting of why they "came to Knowledge" in the first place and their acceptance of any means to his ends. How is it that people who are not mean-spirited and deceptive will act that way for Rawat?

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