Re: What a can of worms
Re: Re: Effects of Meditation -- The Falcon Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

10/17/2005, 16:54:32
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I hadn't bothered to check her out. I'd heard of her in the past and thought she was one of the more respectable gurus. I posted the article because it showed that a literature search of actual randomised controlled trials of meditation showed it was pretty well valueless oncwe the placebo effect was taken into account.

My suspicions were raised when the article said there actually was evidence that one form of meditaiton, hers, actually worked as claimed and I assumed either the author of the article was a follower or the followers had produced some bogus research.

My suspicions were further raised whern I saw that the placeholders for her photos on her web site were "The World Saviour" but that was as far as I checked.

It seems that underneath the minor differences in these guru cult stories there is a common theme.

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