Where the money goes..
Re: Support the Keys must mean "Publicity" -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/14/2005, 19:36:08
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The problem is the premies, let alone the public, never get to find out how the money is spent, nor how much is spent. 

So, if Elan Vital spends $200,000 to "lease" the Gulfstream Jet from a company Rawat controls, in other words from himself, and then pays Rawat $100,000 to fly said plane to some "event" in which the "keys" are discussed, or whatever, and then say it also pays his $2000 per night hotel room, related cognac and mistress expenses and the rest, well, if they actually spent the money that way, the premies and the public would NEVER know.

So, you see, saying the money is being  raised for "the keys" says nothing.  It's like money for "propagation," or for "events" or for "publications," and the rest.  Since there is zero transparency, what is raised for "the keys" is a matter of definition, which can be very expansive.

One of the principles of being a premie is to donate money and just have immense faith that it is being spent for something you agree with, or rather, that whatever it is spent on is perfect, because Prem Rawat is in control, and Prem Rawat is the Perfect Master/incarnation of God/Superior Power in Person/Lord of the Universe.  Right?  Very simple.  Do not think.

Modified by Joe at Fri, Oct 14, 2005, 19:42:22

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