Re: What happened with your girlfriend?
Re: What happened with your girlfriend? -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Bluesology ®

03/31/2005, 14:56:44
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Same as most I guess..became totally infatuated with him and the premies that surround him.Quite the weirdest thing I have ever experienced.I used to sit and watch his indoctrination videos with her..and couldn't believe that she could fall for such an obvious Con- man, unbelievable!Anyway I became marginalised shall we say..and she went off with a Premie.I am just surprised that more people haven't protested in a variety of ways I guess.I tried to get people motivated in this regard but antipathy would be a generous description.I actually had a website for a while,which various people encouraged me to take down cos it was too agreesive.So thats it really.


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