Re: Mike answering Jonx Answering Mike
Re: Mike answering Jonx Answering Mike -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jerry ®

03/29/2005, 21:34:21
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I did and do understand very clearly what Maharaji was and is about. He peddles a belief-system that encourages gullible people to take their good heart and their desire for self-knowledge and place their life in his hands (or at his feet, as we used to say). It makes them doubt their own capacity for learning and self-understanding, and to rely on him for these things, which he cannot possibly fulfill.

That about sums it up pretty nicely. Premies obfuscate the issue when they talk about Knowledge and the experience they have when practicing it. That's NOT what Maharaji is about. He's about being the Perfect Master, about being the guy who can do for you what you can't do for yourself. If it was just about going within, would we really need Maharaji? Truly, can't we do that without him? You'd never know it by listening to him.

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