Hamzen, see the now( X-rated video) called 'The Greatest Magician'
Re: You ex premies with all this speculation, tut tut Jethro -- hamzen Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jethro ®

03/22/2005, 22:47:37
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I can just hear that high squeaky voice telling how we don't realise how powerful GMJ is,
"..and if Guru Maharaj Ji wanted to He could unzip the sky, poke his head out ..."

Maybe you should ask Ron Aka Geaves, since he is writing the history. Or maybe David Passes will stop waiting for THE phonecall and verify that.(Hi Dave, if you are reading. Finnished that Superman comic yet?)
Don't bother asking Judy Osborne or Randy Pratt, they have problems with recall.

It is clear that YOU did delay in attending satsang or you would remember.

Modified by Jethro at Tue, Mar 22, 2005, 23:01:01

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