Re: Exposed: hellbent Maharishi cult fanatics infiltrate medical profession, politics
Re: Re: Exposed: hellbent Maharishi cult fanatics infiltrate medical profession, politics -- PatD Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/22/2005, 15:19:37
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Couldn't M try to find some physician to help market a miracle health program, based on K? The only dilemma would be it would take some attention away from M, unless this doc glorified the lard of the universe at all the events, and did not accept any money but forwarded it to M. They could expand EV to have a research facility to "scientifically prove" that M's techniques do wonders for everyone's health. But then, you got the problem of M's health issues (alcohol, pot, effects of easy living, overweight, etc.) and difficulties he would have demonstrating any physical fitness demonstrations, to make his products look good.

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