Re: Re: YOGIC FLYING -- Jethro Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/22/2005, 14:11:24
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Maharishi, I hear, says that he doesn't levitate in front of anyone because he needs to be alone for the meditation (thus no eye witnesses, etc.). He is older now also. Now, concerning M, the so-called Lord of the Universe, isn't he kind of out of shape physically? He's not nearly as old as Maharishi, but could you picture him trying to demonstrate "yogic flying" techniques to a class? Would his health be good enough to show aspirants how to hop around on mats from a traditional, yogic sitting position, and not hurt his back, or his heart? Could you picture M selling this on one of his videos..... how would he orchestrate it to look good as the instructor?

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