Re: The eye of the needle quote...What A Fake M Is To Quote IT!!!!
Re: The eye of the needle quote... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hussain ®

03/16/2005, 17:08:27
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I'm amazed that M and premies could quote this verse from the Bible, where Jesus is speaking on how it is next to impossible for rich people to get to heaven, etc. and where he asks the rich young ruler to sell all of his possessions if he wished to be his disciple. I can't see M giving up his mansions or expensive life style. It seems like he'd want to avoid this quote, and also keep premies away from it, since it goes against his example and lifestyle of accumulating riches (worse than that, by fraud and deception).
I don't mean to offend anyone by bringing up a Bible quote. I know that religion is personal, etc. I make mention of it somewhat in jest about M. I do respect, and believe, in Jesus, but that is my belief and I would never push it on anyone else. M is surely a fake to quote Jesus when He is teaching how wrong it is morally, to be obsessed with the love of money. M obviously loves money and wealth -- being the opposite of Jesus and his teaching on subject (despite church history, where I have to admit Christians, and preachers, etc., have also not followed Jesus's teaching in this area)

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