the left and the right of it
Re: the wonders of goog -- lesley Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

04/21/2024, 17:34:59
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My ideology - when I exited I was struck by the recognition that the mind that was trying to map reality was inside my skull.  100% dedicated to me, it will live and die with me.

I was back on earth.  feel the ground beneath my feet.  Microscopes, telescopes, megaphones mega-anything is not my forte.  I am human, it's a question of scale.

my virtual reality map works best with information on the same scale as the rest of me.

I can't remember who maybe Einstein or Newton said that he stood on the shoulders of giants - I can appreciate that, I respect that slow accretion of knowledge so that for me, I have been given many tips on plants in the garden which have been really seriously helpful, learnt a real lot from gardening with my mum but you know what I have a green thumb anyway, I just look at a plant and ask them what they want.  And that is always trustworthy information, whereas occasionally you get passed a tip that isn't.

To me being told to pick a side in politics, left or right wing is like being told I have to pick my left hand or my right hand - seems daft to me and I am left to wonder how it ever got to this.  

From my perspective, sorry but it looks like a fight over the pig trough making everything more muddy than it needs to be.  So if I were voting in the US election I would vote Democrat, not because I think they are the good guys or anything like that but because I think it's less mud kicked up, not good but a slower rate of greed and corruption.  My observation is that with any new group getting into power, they always point a finger at the previous group and promise to bring a new broom or drain the swamp but what happens is that the rate at which common ground and the public purse is plundered increases.  

But I'll go further this time.  With Trump and his 'new' regime it's likely to rev up the rate dramatically but also there's an edge to it that I find extra-disturbing.

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