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Re: the anti-trumpistas -- PatD Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

06/25/2017, 13:55:52
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Hi Pat, 

Nice to hear from you and you're not that fat and old. A little. Anyway, it's hot as hell here which is a radical change from what was a relatively long, cold winter and spring. 

I agree with everything you say including your opinion of Thatcher and how it was shaped by the nasty liberal cant against her. It is similar to what's happening with Trump. The media has totally destroyed itself here over him. What? Is he like Shiva or something?

Two things in particular. First, have you read much about the Seth Rich murder and the various speculations that he was a Wikileaks source and that's why he was killed? It's hard to imagine, isn't it? But what with Julian Assange's comment after his death, Kim Dotcom's claim and now the George Washington University Profiling Project's analysis, to me it seems the most likely theory. 

Imagine that. And now Trump's turning the tables on this absurd witch hunt too as the Dems only response seems to be pining for his assassination. This is all fun, riveting stuff. John Podesta may still rue the day that he coughed up the Russian excuse for Clinton's loss. Likewise, Comey, whose reputation seems poised for a tumble. Loving it!

Meanwhile, in general terms and without putting too fine a point on it, the left continues to facilitate the death of western civilization. Thank you all my lefty friends in the world. Big air kiss. Mwah! Free speech isn't just dying, it's dying like some obscure aboriginal language that's only spoken by 25 remaining members and none of them are on campus, that's for sure. 

Canada is getting as crazy as Europe and Britain now on Islam though. Our dhimwit prime minister can't get past the Orwellian slogan "Diversity is Strength" and has no better response to a Muslim from Montreal going down to Flint, Michigan to stab a cop in the neck. If that wasn't enough of an attack, relax, there's more to come. That's for sure. 

But, here, Pat, for you particularly is an excellent dialogue between Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray about the latter's recent book "The Strange Death of Europe" which I'd love to make compulsory reading for ... someone, I don't know who. Someone

Here's the article on Steyn's site:

The video's linked within. 

So let's see. There's the Profiling article below. The Steyn Murray link. And, oh yeah, check this out:

Two of the wonderful sections in Murray's book cover Jean Raspail ("Camp of the Saints" and Michel Houllebecq ("Submission". That article seems like it's ripped from the pages of either. 

Related link:
Modified by Jim at Sun, Jun 25, 2017, 14:43:59

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